Frozen fruits can be difficult to find in the grocery store right now, but luckily many fruits are starting to come into season and you can create your own frozen fruits at home! Follow these easy steps to stock your freezer with fresh and nutritious treats that will last 8-12 months! Try our smoothie recipe below as a way to incorporate frozen fruit into your breakfast or afternoon snack. See the original post on Facebook!

Prepare your fruits by sorting, washing, peeling, pitting and/or slicing into desired shape and size

If you have access to an anti-darkening pretreatment, such as Ascorbic Acid, use it as the package describes. If you do not have access to such products, fruits can still be frozen safely, just know that some darkening in color may occur

Spread small, whole fruits or fruit slices in a single layer on shallow, freezer safe trays. This will help the fruit not stick together while being stored and make it easier to measure out for use

Freeze for 4-6 hours or until fruit is frozen solid

Remove fruit from tray and package in an air tight, freezer safe container, such as a freezer bag. Remove as much air from the bag as possible before sealing. Label the contents with the date it was packaged.
For more information on freezing fruits, please visit:
Smoothie Recipe: This recipe is totally customizable and can be created with whatever ingredients you can find in your kitchen! Get creative and enjoy!
1 cup liquid base (milk, almond milk, juice or water)
1 cup frozen fruit (strawberries, bananas, mango, pineapple)
½ cup cream component (avocado, yogurt, almond/nut butter)
2 cups greens (spinach, kale, chard)
1-2 tbsp extras (honey, chia seeds, protein powder, vanilla)