The 4-H year runs October through September. We begin enrolling in mid-October of each year. Returning members need to be enrolled by December 1 and new members need to be enrolled by February 1.
In 4-H, members work on fun projects, learn new skills, take part in club meetings and activities with friends, learn to present educational demonstrations and have fun at parties, camps, fairs and picnics! 4-H is for all youth, urban, suburban or rural and accommodates a wide variety of interests and needs. The 4-H year begins October 1st and ends September 30th.
To get enrolled in a community club, you first have to choose one. We have about 16 different clubs spread out throughout Pueblo County.
Call the volunteer club leader and ask questions like:
Do you have room for additional members?
Where do you meet?
When do you meet?
What are the ages of the members in the club?
What projects does your club offer?
Are there any additional club requirements?
Select the club most compatible with your family.
Next you will need to choose the projects you plan to participate in through your club. Ask your club leader for help in deciding which projects will be a good fit for you. All project information, including tip sheets and e-records, can be found on the Colorado State 4-H Website here:
Project Manuals
Members purchase their own manuals. You can find a complete listing here:
New Members
After registration opens in October, new members will have until 5:00 p.m. on February 1, to register, although we highly recommend you enroll by December 1. Enrollment fees are also due to the Extension Office by this same deadline. No enrollments will be accepted after February 1. Projects can be dropped or added until March 1, and members are expected to complete all the projects in which they are enrolled.
Returning Members
After registration opens in October, all returning members will have until 5:00 p.m. on December 1, to register in 4-H Online. Enrollment fees are also due to the Extension Office by this same deadline. Late re-enrollments will be accepted with a late fee until February 1.
Once enrolled, you may update and/or change your electronic enrollment and projects in 4HOnline at any time until 5:00pm on March 1.
Enrollment Fees
Members 4-H age 8-18 as of December 31 – $30.00/year
Members 4-H age 5-7 as of December 31 – $20.00/year
Please contact our office if you need financial assistance.
Explore the New Member Guide – a helpful resource for new families joining Pueblo County 4-H!