If the pandemic has unleashed your inner baker, you are not alone! Baking supplies such as yeast, sugar and flour have been flying off the shelves, and at some points, have been difficult to find at all. Luckily, there are many great options for baking substitutions. Please see below for some awesome substitutions to keep in your pantry!

Eggs – 1 egg can be replaced with: vinegar & baking soda (1 tsp of baking soda & 1 tbsp vinegar combined), ¼ cup of applesauce, yogurt or mashed bananas. Any of these substitutions may slightly change the texture or taste, but should not significantly affect the recipe.

Sugar – 1 cup of sugar can be replaced with: honey & maple syrup (3/4 total of any combination of honey and/or maple syrup). Reduce the other liquids in your recipe by 3 TBSP. You can also replace regular sugar with powdered sugar or brown sugar in an equal amount.

Flour – Flour can be replaced with items such as: quick-cooking tapioca, corn flour, bread crumbs, rolled oats or corn meal. Please refer to the fact sheet linked at the bottom of the page for exact substitution ratios.

Yeast – Because yeast is a live organism, it is very difficult to truly substitute. You can substitute equal parts of lemon juice and baking soda for yeast. So for example, if a recipe calls for 1 tsp of yeast, you can add ½ tsp of lemon juice and ½ tsp of baking soda. Keep in mind that the dough will not need to sit to raise as long and the texture may be different.

Vegetable Oil – If you’ve run out of vegetable oil, you can substitute cup for cup: applesauce, ripe, mashed bananas, plain yogurt or melted butter.

Heavy Cream – If you come across a recipe needing heavy cream, you can make your own at home using milk and butter. For 1 cup of heavy cream, you will need ¾ cup of milk and 1/3 cup of butter. Melt the butter, add the milk and then stir together. If you use a low fat or non-fat milk, your mixture will likely be a bit thinner. Add a tablespoon of flour to help thicken it up. You can use this substitution for baking, as well as in sauce, soup and casserole recipes.
Fact Sheet: https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/foodnut/09329.pdf