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The Pueblo County Extension office provides assistance and programs for citizens in five main areas: Agriculture, Horticulture, Family and Consumer Science, Natural Resources and 4-H Youth Programs.

Copies & Laminating

In an effort to become more consistent with charging for copies, the following will be implemented.

We will not charge for any copies made that are associated with the functions of our office.

If we make 10 or more copies, the fees will be as follows:
            B&W Copies – One sided             $0.05 each      White or Colored Paper
            Color Copies – One sided            $0.10 each

If laminating is requested, the fees will be as follows:
            Laminating – small machine                    $0.25 per sheet
            Laminating – large machine                    $0.50 per foot

Sample list of Groups to be charged:
FCE – At the discretion of the Program Coordinator
Farmer’s Market – with the exception of scholarships
4-H: Clubs – Councils – Work Teams – Groups – Etc.  –  Money makers – At the discretion of the Program Coordinator
Individuals:  Customers – Employees – Etc.

Showcase Sale – Already paying set fees
Leader’s Group – Bells’ of Christmas – Already paying set fees or at the discretion of the Program Coordinator
Pueblo County Fair Board – Associated with Pueblo County